Merry Xmas EveryOne!!!!.. ^_^u guys sure happy and enjoy yr Xmas day! and sure get many type or weird or special gift on Xmas day right?.. hahaha..and here is mine!.. hehehe..PiNky PiRate!!!.. =D
Dooodolls Baby..
Pinky hope u guys enjoy yr day! Merry Xmas 2009!!!.. ^_^
wow!.. sudah lama tarak update my blog lo.. sudah tumbuh spider web.. hahaha..tak tau mau post ape la..hmm.. everythings seems changes alot.. it already 4 months i didnt update my blog andmy 5th month of working in my company..haiz.. everythings seems so fine but not for me.. dunno why.. seems like missing somethings..and alwaz cant get wht i wan n cant focus wht am i doing.. haiz.. @.@Christmas is coming soon, wish u guys merry chirstmas!!!.. enjoy ya!! leave a good memory and nt bad memory.. lol..few weeks later gonna start new year soon! 2010!! new year new hope new life new me!.. lol..hope everything going smooth lo.. =]