wuwuwuwu.. Yesterday i bring my pendrive to office and wanna transfer something.. but something happened..
... .. .
wuwuwuwu.. really damn sad la.. when my colleagues pass by my pc, and he accidently Tersangkut ( by his leg) my pendrive out from my pc!!... waaaaaaa!!!!!.... i been stunned few second when i saw my pendrive naked jor!! wuwuwuwu.. i been using my pendrive for 4 yrs jor ler.. damn sad.. and worst things is all the files inside my pendrive all GONE!! wuwuwu.. anyone got any idea of my pendrive? still can help ma?.. wuwuwu.. wish u rest in peace..
HuUu.. wOrk so tired, it should have some Holiday for us to relax n Hang Out!.. hahaha.. yea! Labour Day!.. Me, FeiHung, FeiMok and FeiSteve went to times square to watch Movie since FeiHung invite 1 coz he gonna start work on Monday n dis is his last day to hang out with us.. sound like he wanna go jo.. kakaka.. so v watch this Movie!
X-men origins : wolverine
yeng dao.. This movie really not bad!.. the wolverine so yeng lo especially when he jump down from the moutain and run pass by two oldman.. kakaka.. =P but i more prefer Gambit! hahaha.. i rate 8.5/10 hehehe..
yO.. Last month on 09.04.09 wow! nice number! Me, Mun, wch, mok_ku n camie was celebrated joshua's ( feishua) birthday at saisaki!.. =P uUu.. sound nice ler.. kakakaka.. damn yeng ar!.. actually v planning to gv him surprise with reach there early n ask camie to bring joshua after dat.. but.. mission failed.. nt my fault ya!.. lets me start my story when i was in saisaki japanese buffet!.. hehe.. wow!!.. dat time me n mok reach there early n v enter 1st lo.. wuuuuu.. i feel like in food heaven.. kakaka.. all their food so fresh especially Unagi n Fresh Salmon!waa... damn delicious n nice.. eat damm full dat time n feel like my stomach wanna "letup" kakaka.. n got some1 vomit.. hehe.. *guess who is dat.. hehehe.. so after dat v take a small piece of cheese cake gua for joshua as the bday cake.. hehehe.. lucky no buy big 1.. haha..
ironshua poshing with the cake!.. ur cake so small geh? hehe..
a group photo b4 v leave.. "fei gang".. kakaka.. guess who is the leader of fei gang.. lol..
after finished eat, nope is everyone full giler.. kakaka.. so V went to Paviliion to watch movie.. watch "pantas & garang" kakaka.. dat all for 09.04.09
let me introduce our fei gang.. lol.. some of them no attend, jz dis few 1st.. hehe..
Top from left to right: FeiMok, FeiHung (leader), FeiShua.. Bottom from left to right: FeiD, ironsou, and FeiMun..