wuwuwu.. damn Tired and damn pain whole body..
juz now woke up and my whole body damn pain lo.. the most pain
is my hand.. wuwuwu.. feels like juz bek from sport.. hehehe..
huUu.. long time didnt do clubbing edy.. Yesterday went Quattro
to celebrated penny's bday and have some fun wif my classmate..
hurm.. yesterday is my 1st time goin to quattro, 4 season club and
v enter Autumn, lounge.. ermm.. nt bad lo, but so few ppl dance juz
our gang dance oni.. hahaha.. so bad no chance to take a look on winter
bar.. nex time wana try on it.. hahaha.. who interested??? hehe..
anyway happy New Year to u all.. cheer!!
and happy birdDay Penny!!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Xchange Gift + Clubbing..
yahOo.. my plan again success.. hahaha.. 30.12.2008, Tuesday, i
planned to have a exchange gift session with all my classmate n along
my lecturer ms Teng.. since dis year is our last year in our college life
of christmas day, but it already over and dun hav feel but i juz plan to have
some fun with all my classmate n hav some exchange gift.. anyway im so
happy and thx to ur all guys for joining dis exchange gift session even i gt a
*lucky gift from Jacob.. kakaka..
here is the pic before start our exchange gift session..
almost over half of my classmate was join.. not bad..
and this is my gift..
it is a fake bread, but really loOks like real..
but d funny things is my fren, FISH is luckies person dat
choosen my gift.. kakaka.. sorry Fish, im nt mean to
make u, i juz play fun oni but i cant believe dat u really
eat it.. i tot u noe it is fake ma.. sorry.. muackz.. ^_^
overall, im so happy dat 2day is my last yr n day of Belated
christmas day, juz small celebration wif my classmate..
anyway keep in touch!!.. sob sob.. gona graduate soon..
good luck in FYP..
damn tired now..
to be continue.. hahaha..
Thursday, December 25, 2008
MeRRy Xm@s!!
HuUu.. juz back from my brother's hse, juz a simple party held
at his house while celebrated Christmas.. hahaha..
wow!! damn full lo.. 1st time ate so many food.. i juz ate 3 burger, 3 pizza,
2 can 100+, kfc and cake.. wahahaha.. fat lo.. =P
and this is my 1st time eat so many choice of fast food!.. hehehe..
gt pizza, kfc, mcD, and kenny roger.. huUu.. damn damn full now, gona
make cake soon.. kakakaka..
nex round where??.. hehehe..
dat all for my celebration of christmas day.. hw bout urs??..
hehehe.. wish u all merry Christmas!! n happy new year!!..
at his house while celebrated Christmas.. hahaha..
wow!! damn full lo.. 1st time ate so many food.. i juz ate 3 burger, 3 pizza,
2 can 100+, kfc and cake.. wahahaha.. fat lo.. =P
and this is my 1st time eat so many choice of fast food!.. hehehe..
gt pizza, kfc, mcD, and kenny roger.. huUu.. damn damn full now, gona
make cake soon.. kakakaka..
nex round where??.. hehehe..
dat all for my celebration of christmas day.. hw bout urs??..
hehehe.. wish u all merry Christmas!! n happy new year!!..
Thursday, December 18, 2008
lucky draw..
huUu.. juz back from Recycling campaign at college..
*im nt too free goin to dat campaign lo, but terpaksa 1 =p
aiya, haven done my personal web.. die lo..
let it 1st la.. hahaha..
last fews day my fren (chee kin, loOng, sean, Mun, joshua and camie) n i
went to APR2 & AMS2's recycling campaign, v juz look around their booth
but actually is support my fren la (winn, small duck) since she call us to come..
then v guess some quiz and got a gift.. not bad lo..
at dat time loong n 1 was guessing a quiz dat hav to count total of the bottle dat
decorated.. it really easy but lastly i been choosen as a lucky draw winner!! yeah..
hahaha.. damn lucky, but loong so pity cant get anything..
btw im so happy dat i been choosen as a lucky draw winner! kakaka..
2day about 1pm something i recieved a call from a unknown number n she
inform me dat i have won a lucky draw winner for guessing a quiz from
Recycling campaign n dat time i was nt awake n stil blur blur.. hahaha..
here is my lucky draw hamper!!

those tupperware gift.. not bad not bad.. wahahaha..
christmas is coming soOn lo.. wish all of u a merry christmas!!!
n good luck to our FYP too..
*im nt too free goin to dat campaign lo, but terpaksa 1 =p
aiya, haven done my personal web.. die lo..
let it 1st la.. hahaha..
last fews day my fren (chee kin, loOng, sean, Mun, joshua and camie) n i
went to APR2 & AMS2's recycling campaign, v juz look around their booth
but actually is support my fren la (winn, small duck) since she call us to come..
then v guess some quiz and got a gift.. not bad lo..
at dat time loong n 1 was guessing a quiz dat hav to count total of the bottle dat
decorated.. it really easy but lastly i been choosen as a lucky draw winner!! yeah..
hahaha.. damn lucky, but loong so pity cant get anything..
btw im so happy dat i been choosen as a lucky draw winner! kakaka..
2day about 1pm something i recieved a call from a unknown number n she
inform me dat i have won a lucky draw winner for guessing a quiz from
Recycling campaign n dat time i was nt awake n stil blur blur.. hahaha..
here is my lucky draw hamper!!

those tupperware gift.. not bad not bad.. wahahaha..
christmas is coming soOn lo.. wish all of u a merry christmas!!!
n good luck to our FYP too..
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
YoO.. juz back from Genting, so Tired lo..
Hmm yesterday went Genting Highland wif my mum, sis and my bro-in-law..
juz went there for fun and stay 1 nite.. hahaha..
WOW! so happy lo, yesterday was my 1ST time and 1ST day enter n step into CASINO!!
yeah!!.. really so excited when enter CASINO, but dat security didnt check my ic wo..
so big lo dat Genting's Casino.. wow! so many ppl lo, all also aunty uncle.. all ppl bz gambling..
but for me they really crazy gamble, can sit n gamble 24 hours even lose jor oso duwan leave stil bet.. kakaka..
but most hated is those ppl like to smoke amd make the hall like heaven.. pUuu..
once enter the Casino, my bro-in-law bring me around the casino n have a look..
this is only picture dat i took when my bro-in-law was playing
this machice call "Hot shot".. hehehe..
sound so funny..
beside dat, before went to Casino, i went to arcade n spend rm20 to play
oni basketball machine and i get this---
i get this ticket once i score high.. try guess hw many ticket i get??..
hehehe.. dun gt shock ya,
i get 387 in total.. kakaka..
but nth for me to redeem geh.. all those cacat gift geh.. =P
hUu.. damn Tired..
Thursday, October 30, 2008
bad Luck!!

really bad luck la this month, too many bad thing happen to me.. haiz..
TBR road..
time about 2pm something..
i juz met an accident..
wch and i went to fish's hse to find him eat lunch together..
when on the way from Utar gate to TBR, wch saw a girl..
then he try to flirt dat girl, then suddenly my motor feel not
balance and v fell down.. shit.. like dat accident happen jo..
wch fell to nex road but me kena 'Kiap' by my motor..
wuwuwu.. so luckily no car on dat time..
if gt.. sure v stil here.. hahaha..
both of us laugh non stop.. i also duno wat so funny..
wch 1st time met an accident but he seems like so happy..
here some of the picture of accident.. =(
dat all for my story..
*but really sorry dat cant celebrate kelvin's 21st birdDay..
happy birdDay!! hehehe..
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
We are the Champion!!!
eh!! I am the Champion!!.. hehehe..
Geng ler.. 1st time won so many medal!!
No la.. actually is Tug Of War (male) ChampiOn!!
SSSH Intra-School Sport Carnival 2008/2020!!..
Here is the picture that v all posing after won the
Tug Of War match!!
ermm.. btw camie is our manager!!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
AML2 Timetable..
MOn - 2-4pm (L)
Tue - 1-2pm (P)
2-3pm (T)
Dat all for our final sem timetable.. 2 class in 1 week..
really a few time for us to meet lo.. HuUu..
anyway good luck to u guys in fiNaL!!.. yeah!!..
See ya on MoN.. ^_^
Tue - 1-2pm (P)
2-3pm (T)
Dat all for our final sem timetable.. 2 class in 1 week..
really a few time for us to meet lo.. HuUu..
anyway good luck to u guys in fiNaL!!.. yeah!!..
See ya on MoN.. ^_^
Friday, October 3, 2008
Melaka Trip..
HuUu.. juz come back from Melaka trip few day ago..
wow! dis time went there eat so much lo.. i think
wow! dis time went there eat so much lo.. i think
now is the time to keep fit and do exercise lo..
hahaha.. + the weather damn hot.. here some of the
food v took during at melaka.. hehehe..
chicken rice ball.. nice ler..
nyonya dumpling.. look like poison food.. hehehe..
Nyonya Durian cendol! damn nice lo.. muz try it!! hehehe..
yeah.. i found my shop at melaka.. hahaha..
wow!! so many food lo.. hahaha.. our dinner.. eat like hell..
eat till damn full..
Monday, September 29, 2008
Klang + Taman Pertanian Bukit Cahaya Seri Alam..
Klang + Taman Pertanian Bukit Cahaya Seri Alam..
another 2 days 1 night trips success !! hahaha.. This time trips damn tireddd lor..
v planning a klang trip at fish's hometown n then nex day go Taman
another 2 days 1 night trips success !! hahaha.. This time trips damn tireddd lor..
v planning a klang trip at fish's hometown n then nex day go Taman
Pertanian Bukit Cahaya Seri Alam.. thx again to u all - joshua, wch, mun,
jaykin, loong, kim, fish, balitong, and old man fai.. =P
jaykin, loong, kim, fish, balitong, and old man fai.. =P
v spilt up 2 gang, 1 gang follow mun's car n another 1 gang take ktm
and meet up at Klang.. those take ktm is me, wch, fish, fai and kim..
it took about 45min gua reach Teluk Pulai station..
finally v reached at Teluk Pulai station ( near fish's hse)
Kim look so funy.. hahaha..
at that time 5 of us feel so hungry, but another gang haven reach yet..
so 5 of us plan go to eat Bak kut teh 1st while waiting for them..
about 10 min v reach at Klang Lek Bak Kut Teh.. yeah..
u can see wch hungry face.. hahaha..
after few min joshua, mun, loong, jaykin and balitong reach
and meet us..
joshua act funny face.. hahaha..
after finish eat our lunch at Klang Lek Bak Kut Teh, v went
to fish's house to drop our bag..
guess which 1 is fish house.. hehehe..
after drop our bag n take come rest, v had a walk to pasar
malam near fish's house.. hUu..
Then v went to Bukit tinggi's Jusco to watch Mama mia movie..
yeah!! not bad.. feel wana watch again.. = P
Before ths movie start v went to eat ice-cream..
wow!! yummy.. hehehe..
After the movie, v all feel hungry n went to eat supper, actually
is our dinner.. hahaha.. and have some chat n plan for nex trip..
time is getting late and v all went back fish's house to take shower
and nap..
wuwuwu.. me n loong most cham on dat time..
everyone went to bed and sleep so comfort juz me n loong
cant sleep well coz of the engine sound!! hahahaha..
guess who.. hehehe..
saturday morning!! everyone sleep like pig!! duwan wake up..
after few min everyone get ready for our journey to Taman Pertanian
Bukit Cahaya Seri Alam.. hahaha.. before that v having breakfast and then
buy some drinks and bread.. hehehe..
while waiting for them i'm posing there and joshua snap my pic..
hehehe.. thx fei shua..
after that v all reach Taman Pertanian Bukit Cahaya Seri Alam!!
yeah!!.. queue up to buy ticket then start our journey!! hehe..
yeah!!.. queue up to buy ticket then start our journey!! hehe..
V are disscussing where v should start 1st..
when on the way, v saw a board = Trek Hutan ke Puncak
Seni.. so v planning to try dat trek.. but there is no way to
Puncak Seni.. so v reverse back.. waste time, lucky no lost
if not sure stay in the jungle.. hahaha..
after fail to Puncak seni, so v choosing the other road..
everyone look so tired when on the way.. damn long journey..
but we get lost again, duno which way to go.. hahaha..
so v plan turning back to rent a bicycle..
everyone gt own bike n ride on it.. hahaha everything goin
but it really tired, and v take some rest at rest house..
fish and joshua look so tired while im getting some drink..
after take a ride on Taman Pertanian.. v all getting tired and
taking rest n take some pic..
Huu.. damn tired man.. till my butt oso pain..
overall this trips is really interesting and fun.. i tot this trips
can keep fit de but end up i get sick jo.. wuwuwu..
really bad luck.. hahaha.. keep touch ya guys!!!
take care n see u all in nex sem!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Gundam Fever..

My Gundam Throne Eins.. complete!! yeah..
me, joshua, mun, wch, fish and jaykin went sing K + Jalan-jalan +
bowling (fail) + makan + shopping + buy GUNDAM!!..
hahaha.. damn happy and tired 2day..
Yoo.. posing during sing K.. where is jaykin? guess where
is him.. ^_^
wOw! coOl ler.. which 1 cOol?..
Gundam Exia=munster
Gundam Throne Eins= mIne
Gundam Kyrios=joshua
uUu.. so excited and wana see my Gundam Throne Eins look like..
Done!.. weapon haven done.. =P
HuUu.. spend too much jor 2day.. stil gt nex trip coming soon..

My Gundam Throne Eins.. complete!! yeah..
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sunday Breakfast..
Friday, September 19, 2008
PD trip..
hahaha.. another trip at Port Dickson.. yeah..
me, Mun, Loong, Jaykin, Winnie and Sean went to PD for 2 days 1 nite..
hahaha.. we all really enjoy lo in 2 days 1 nite trip.. went ther sure relax and
play water lo.. hehe.. after reach ther we went swimming at our hotel's swimming pool..
after dat we went to play Banana Boat! yeah.. i wana play it so long edy, finally i play jo lo.. wahahaha.. damn enjoy n fun.. but hor PD's sea water DAMN sour!! drink till my stomach oso
pain, lucky no lao sai! hahaha.. quite enjoy lo dis 2 days trip but damn Tired lo..
Friday, September 12, 2008
wuahahaha.. Finally.. end of our Last Paper and also EXAM!! yeah..
wOw!!.. after exam we having so much activities lo..
Paintball + yamcha + swimming + yamcha
Hahaha.. damn enjoy + happy + Tired lo..
Enjoy very much lo 2day..
after exam we went to play Paintball, dat i plan so long time ago jo, finally
it goin well this time.. btw i wana thx all of them - Joshua, Loong, jaykin, mun,
kim, fish, sum, balitong, wch, darren, kelferd, jacob and dyi chee for taking part
hahaha.. thx very much, so enjoy wif u all.. keep in touch ya!!
all of them seems so enjoy wif their 1st time of playing paintball but not darren la..
wOw!!.. after exam we having so much activities lo..
Paintball + yamcha + swimming + yamcha
Hahaha.. damn enjoy + happy + Tired lo..
Enjoy very much lo 2day..
after exam we went to play Paintball, dat i plan so long time ago jo, finally
it goin well this time.. btw i wana thx all of them - Joshua, Loong, jaykin, mun,
kim, fish, sum, balitong, wch, darren, kelferd, jacob and dyi chee for taking part
hahaha.. thx very much, so enjoy wif u all.. keep in touch ya!!
all of them seems so enjoy wif their 1st time of playing paintball but not darren la..
Jacob and i adjusting the Dg's car mirror dat stuck jo..
finally planning success!!.. yeah..
Giving briefing..
A group picture before start our war!!.. what
happen to balitong??.. haha..
2nd group picture.. yeah!!..
Joshua posing gay lou style..
Ah sum so yeng lor.. but, do u see dat??.. he haven
pull out the barrel socks.. hahaha..
Sorry camie, i hurt joshua hand.. hehehe..
U see.. I feel no pain.. hahaha..
naked picture.. end of our war game!!.. yeah..
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